Red vs. Blue Fanon Wiki

Lavernius Tucker

Lavernius Tucker is a member of Blue Team and a main character in RvB On A Boat. He was a crewman on the RvB Blue.

Early Life[]

Not much is known about Tucker's early life, besides the fact that his mom was a less than noble being. He grew up knowing how to do things that other kids shouldn't know. He then ran away from home during the earlier years.

First Ship[]

Tucker was first on the ship, the Crunchbite. He then adopted a son, whom he named Junior. He later met the boy's biological father, so that father watches over him while Tucker is at sea. Now he can rest in peace, knowing his kid is safe. Such as it is.

On the Blue[]

Tucker formed a friendship with Leonard Church, and was promoted to second in command when Captain Flowers died.

He was not present when Church rescued Tex, but he has several memories, none of them good.


  • Tucker is a regular character in the webseries, Red vs Blue.
  • Tucker is the only one on the boat who can actually stand Church for a certain amount of time.


Tucker 2

Tucker in his scuba gear.
